Celebrating 10 Years of LiFi

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July 19, 2021

Ten years ago, Prof Haas took to the stage at Ted Global and introduced to the world a new technology called LiFi that would captivate millions. Haas painted a vision of a light-connected world that would push wireless connectivity to new frontiers. The overwhelming response later led to the formation of pureLiFi co-founded by Professor Harald Haas and Dr. Mostafa Afgani.

Driven by a creative and innovative team

Ten years on, with CEO Alistair Banham at the helm, pureLiFi is leading LiFi innovation and driving this disruptive technology towards mass-market adoption.

At pureLiFi our team is made up of LiFi visionaries, inventors and leaders driving technology that will revolutionise the way the world connects and our vision is simple.

pureLiFi has taken the overflowing cabinet of technology from that Ted Talk and packed that innovation into a tiny form factor that will LiFi enable all kinds of electronic devices from mobile phones to driverless cars and consumer lighting to home assistants.

The world needs LiFi

LiFi is the right technology at the right time — now ready for the mainstream. Just as RF technologies like cellular and WiFi are struggling to keep pace with the world’s insatiable appetite for data, security and safety concerns are top of mind, and the pandemic has driven home the importance of constant, reliable connectivity.

Core benefits of LiFi include the following:

LiFi Benefits

Find out more: https://purelifi.com/lifi-enabled-phone/wp-cover-purelifi-lifi-is-ready-for-mainstream/

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