Proof of Vaccination & Masks No Longer Required for LEDucation

March 7, 2022
As of Monday, March 7, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has lifted the vaccination mandates for indoor venues, including indoor dining at restaurants and for attending events such as LEDucation. Requiring masks will be up to individual businesses and venues. Broadway shows, however, are still requiring that the audience be masked and show proof of vaccination for the rest of March. If you will be using public transit (subway, train, bus), mask mandates remain in effect. Masks will also still be required at medical facilities.
LEDucation 2022 is holding “virtual conference sessions” on Monday, March 14. The exhibit floor and in-person conference sessions will be open Tuesday, March 15, and Wednesday March 16 at the New York Hilton-Midtown, 1335 6th Ave (between West 53rd and 54th Streets).
To preview the exhibitor list, conference sessions and schedule, and to register, click here