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Vantage Lighting Controls Announced Vantage Voice

March 28, 2024 Vantage’s Design Center 4.8 Update Adds Voice Control Capability to Control Vantage InFusion System Through Amazon Alexa for Greater Flexibility and Operability Legrand’s Vantage Lighting Controls today announced Vantage Voice. Vantage Voice adds voice control capability to the Vantage InFusionTM System controller through Amazon Alexa and is now available in the Design…

Part 1: How Many Studies Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb?

Part 1: How Many Studies Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb?

March 18, 2024 How studies in vision inform lighting standards at night By Noah Sabatier Changing a light bulb in our home is perhaps the most simple task in which we can still credit ourselves for performing household maintenance. The amount of thought such an operation receives rarely extends beyond looking for the most efficient…

MaxLite Expands its c-Max Lighting Controls Platform with the Launch of c-Max Network Partners

MaxLite Expands its c-Max Lighting Controls Platform with the Launch of c-Max Network Partners

March 11, 2024 MaxLite, a pioneer in energy-efficient lighting solutions, proudly announced the launch of c-Max Network Partners, featuring advanced network lighting controls propositions that seamlessly combines MaxLite’s broad c-Max controls ready luminaires with other industry-leading technology partners control systems. MaxLite chose Silvair as one of its network partners due to their full technology stack…

A Case for DALI- Steve Mesh Talks Cross-Vendor Interoperability

A Case for DALI- Steve Mesh Talks Cross-Vendor Interoperability

March 4, 2024 Guest post by Steve Mesh Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) Drivers as tools for interoperability and increase functionality across vendors in the lighting industry In the lighting controls industry, are we at an inflection point where vendors are starting to embrace the idea of cross-vendor interoperability? Historically, the lighting industry has approached…

Casambi Enhances Design Tool to Streamline Lighting Projects
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Casambi Enhances Design Tool to Streamline Lighting Projects

The latest iteration of Casambi Pro features innovative enhancements that will further elevate the experience of lighting control professionals in the field. Casambi Pro is a tool designed to streamline ambitious lighting projects saving time, stress and resources with off-site configuration and rapid on-site commissioning. This latest update aims to further simplify the configuration process, offering enhanced…

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Coastal Source Celebrates 15-Year Anniversary at the Kennedy Space Center with the Launch of New Products

March 1st, 2024 By Line Goyette I had the chance to be invited by Coastal Source to see and hear the new products that will be on the market in 2024. As a music and hi-fi enthusiast, I wasn’t expecting to be immerse in both lighting and music in such an optimal way. I’ve talked…

5 Simple Steps Towards Sustainable Lighting

5 Simple Steps Towards Sustainable Lighting

February 20, 2024 Here are five practical actions you can take –today! – to move towards designing more sustainably. Sustainability in lighting – a broad, sometimes confusing topic, that can be looked at in many ways. Circular lighting economy, material ingredient reporting (MIRs), environmental product declarations (EPDs), life cycle analyses (LCAs), factory working conditions, carbon…

Leviton was invited by US Lighting Trends to share its take on the Future of our Industry, Technologies, Markets and Trends to Watch in 2024
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Leviton was invited by US Lighting Trends to share its take on the Future of our Industry, Technologies, Markets and Trends to Watch in 2024

February 20, 2024 By Mike Lehman, General Manager of ConTech Lighting Currently the lighting outlook for 2024 appears to be “challenged” with increased interest rates, a slowing commercial construction market, and general uncertainty, what is Leviton’s Lighting 2024 trend outlook. Which market segments does it see having greater opportunities for the company, but more importantly,…

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Lighting Design International Calls for Greater Sustainability Across Lighting Design Projects

February 19, 2024 Leading lighting design consultancy, Lighting Design International (LDI) has been raising awareness of the need for greater sustainability across the built environment. LDI’s Associate, Arianna Ghezzi, shared these principles as part of a panel discussion at the recent and most successful Surface Design Show. The talk focused on Circularity in Lighting, and…

7 Ways Lighting in Educational Settings Can Have A Significant Impact on Students’ Behavioral Health
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7 Ways Lighting in Educational Settings Can Have A Significant Impact on Students’ Behavioral Health

By Mark Jenzen Lighting in educational settings can have a significant impact on students’ behavioral health and overall well-being. Here are some ways in which different types of lighting can influence students both positively and negatively. As you will see, natural light is the best option, but what if your classroom or budget does not allow natural…

Light and Lighting — Explanation and Justification of ISO/CIE 20086 — Energy Performance of Lighting in Buildings

Light and Lighting — Explanation and Justification of ISO/CIE 20086 — Energy Performance of Lighting in Buildings

February 14, 2024 DOI:  10.25039/ISO/CIE TR 3092:2023 This Technical Report on ISO/CIE 20086 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 274, Light and lighting, in cooperation with CIE Joint Technical Committee 6. It is important that lighting schemes are designed appropriately to provide the right light in the right place at the right time, while being…

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Transform Outdoor Spaces with Colorscaping System

February 12, 2024 WAC has launched the groundbreaking Colorscaping smart landscape lighting and control system. This innovative, patent-pending line of exterior LED luminaires is designed and engineered to illuminate landscapes with tunable white light and an unlimited color palette. “Colorscaping will transform your everyday world into an outdoor wonderland of illumination,” explains WAC CEO Dirk Wald. “Imagine being able…

Bringing Modern Lighting to Historic Condos
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Bringing Modern Lighting to Historic Condos

Mid-Century Modern design has experienced a renaissance in popularity over the past decade, leading to new product development for residential and commercial spaces that imitate this iconic aesthetic. In the case of Scottsdale, Arizona’s Olympus Condominiums, however, PureEdge Lighting’s Lazer Line system brings ultra-modern technology to a building that is authentically of that era. What…